Make large portions of dragon fruit and pineapple smoothies.

Hello HIVE friends in this community. Actually, I made this juice a week ago and I'm just posting it now. Last week was my tiredest week during our holiday because for 2 days in a row I had to entertain a large number of guests and we did it just the two of us with my wife. On consecutive days, we hosted a large family of around 50 people with various kinds of dishes, then the next day we also hosted our teacher's friends, whose number turned out to be more than 50 people.

Not just the main dish. Drinks are also taken into account at this event, there is no alcohol, only mineral water and one additional cold drink and I took the initiative to just make juice which is much cheaper and healthier of course. And this time I will make these smoothies cold because the weather is very hot and there is no wind at all, and I am sure there will be no problems. The most important thing about making them is not to use artificial sweeteners as additional sweeteners other than granulated sugar of course.

The ingredients needed to make these smoothies are:

1. 2 kilograms of dragon fruit

2. 2 large pineapples and I estimate they weigh around 4 kilograms

3. Granulated sugar (I used 1 kilogram of granulated sugar to make this jumbo portion of smothies, and because I live in Indonesia where people like sweet smothies

4. Water (the water used in my smoothies is 8 liters of water)

To make these smoothies, it's actually the same as the smoothies that I make in one portion just for me, but the difference is the number of ingredients used and of course this affects the steps and time of making it too. And the steps for making jumbo smoothies are:

1. Peel the dragon fruit thoroughly then blend until smooth, and in making this jumbo portion I blended it 4x repeatedly so that the dragon fruit, which weighs 2 kilograms, can be completely smooth. And in this blending process I also add granulated sugar gradually, so that the granulated sugar is also smooth and I also add water to make the blending process smoother.

2. I peeled the pineapple, removed the eyes, washed the fruit so it wouldn't itch, then I cut it into small pieces and blended the pineapple and added enough water until the fruit was easy to blend. I also did this blending process 4 times until all the fruit was used up and everything was smooth. And don't forget to add granulated sugar into it until all the granulated sugar is gone and the sugar is mixed evenly

3. After all the fruit is finished, I blend it, then I add all the water that I measured at the beginning after I previously reduced it for the process of blending the fruit.

**4. My dragon fruit and pineapple smoothies are ready and I just have to arrange them and wait for the guests to

Of all these presentations, there is something I forgot, namely when I put in ice cubes and took photos of my family's happy faces because I served them healthy juice. I forgot about that important thing because I was so happy about their arrival. Hopefully you can understand, friends and greetings from


Hi @tomidiwirja

Your recipe is good, your post well developed, however, try to place a clearer photo, a better photo on the cover, remember that the cover allows you to anticipate the rest of the content.

Thank you @sirenahippie for the advice. Next post I will try to do better. keep guiding me.

Se ve delicioso


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