Make simple herbal tea that is suitable for lowering cholesterol

in Amazing Drinks7 months ago

The rainy season has arrived where coughs, colds or flu accompanied by fever and dizziness are starting to become the main disease at this time, the spread of the virus is very high, even though it has become a common thing, flu will also interfere with activities of course, and at night the nose will becoming blocked and having difficulty breathing is something that is very disturbing, therefore consistent herbal consumption is needed to maintain our body's immunity. And tonight the air is starting to feel cold, the sky is also different, even though it's still 7 o'clock in the evening. Therefore, to accompany this cold night, I decided to make a simple herbal tea and the ingredients are always available in my house.

Apart from tasting delicious, this herbal drink has great benefits for the body, especially for people who are on a diet program without having to torture themselves and reduce their food portions. If you consume this herbal drink regularly for 3 months in a row, I'm sure your weight will decrease, although not drastically, and doesn't being healthy require a process that isn't instant, my friend?

The ingredients for making this herbal tea are very simple with the following ingredients needed:

1. 1 spoon of chea seeds ("adjust according to the amount of water you use and also according to your taste)

2. 1 tea bag

3. 3-4 lemongrass stalks

4. 1 lemon

5. 1 tablespoon brown sugar

6. 200 ML water

How to make :

1. Wash the lemongrass and flatten the lemongrass so that the lemongrass aroma comes out

2. Put the lemongrass in a pan, then add 1 spoon of chea seeds to it

3. Then add brown sugar and add water

4. Boil until boiling, then after boiling, add the tea bag into it.

5. After adding the teabag, turn off the stove and pour the tea into a glass.

6. After that, cut the lemon and add it to the tea

7. Herbal tea can now be enjoyed.

Here I use local lemons whose skin is very bitter if we boil it, so the best way to process it is to mix it last after the tea is not in the cooking process. And this will taste safe and the lemon will not taste bitter. And I almost forgot, if you want to add ginger or ginger powder, that's no problem, your body will be much warmer.
And the best atmosphere for enjoying my version of hot herbal tea is enjoying the sunset and looking at the various kinds of plants while thinking about the list of light jobs for my garden. And I will enjoy my cup of tea, and to all of you, always welcome and healthy greetings from me. Greetings Tomidiwirja from Indonesia