Everyone needs an end level boss

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I was watching Andrew Tate the other day, and whilst I don't agree with him on many things, there's definitely a few things that I do -- and one of them is who we band together to fight against. The end level boss, the end stage guardian to the next level.

For some, that guardian could be the hard to work with work colleague, the person you're always trying to outdo, because you want a promotion before they do, you want to climb the ladder quicker, and faster, and higher. Which I would say this is similar to my life too.

One thing he also said is that the end level guardians get bigger and bigger too, always. For example I started off with my bullies at school. They were tough to defeat but once I started to stand up for myself the bullying sort of dropped away. But that didn't mean that my life suddenly got any easier au contraire, it made my life a lot harder.

If all I had to deal with in my life was just a bunch of silly bullies, who looking back were just a bunch of kids that had it way way harder than me; my life would have been miserable, sure, but it wouldn't be that hard or complicated.

Contrast that with today where my bosses are way meaner and uglier then they ever were in the past. I'm battling with market forces, bad ideology, a family plagued with illnesses, and god knows what else. If I had all that to deal with when all I had was the mean boys from broken homes then I would probably be on suicide watch.

But the reality is that the more end level bosses we face the more experienced we become and the more adept to moving with change we become. It's the skills that we learn along the way that's important. Ever heard the saying:

"It's not about the destination, it's about the journey"

The journey is how you build skills and coping mechanisms to deal with whatever you're dealing with on the way. I couldn't handle stress as a kid. If I was a kid now and had my life as it is at the moment; the stress, and the risk element it'd buckle under the pressure.

The pressure I deal with today; the risk, the fear, the staying resilient through incredible times of hardship, the having to deal with everyone elses needs apart from my own (at times) are lessons built through many, many years of going through similar mini battles that felt hard at the time, but were overcome, and thus leading to where we are today.

And everyone's end level boss is different. For some it can be the door at the end of your bedroom; the pain of getting up and dealing with life just too much, for others it could be the literal president of the united states, and for most of it it's everything else in between, and remember, everyone's boss is different, so don't be judging yourself on someone elses boss!