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RE: But what about the WAHMEN!!!!

I used to think that too, you know, men feeling insecure. But I'm beginning to think it's not that. We're entering a weird cultural shift right now that we've never experienced in the history of humanity.

Stems from broken homes. It's easy to say the lack of a father in a household, but that's just stupid talking points. Kids need both mum and dad. I watch my wife put incredible love into our son, but she's only able to do that because I'm around. I couldn't imagine the hardship she'd go through if I wasn't, or equally if it was just me that had my son.

See, a lot of men (and women: think onlyfans as one example) are growing up in broken homes and they lack the discipline, orderliness, love, compassion etc that both parents would infuse into them were they to grow up with both. They generally lack the safety most kids that grew up in my generation and before.

My generation was mostly the beginning of that. Kids looked at me as if I was weird not having both parents. But as a result I grew up incredibly insecure. And this was something not many of my friends grew up like. They were tough, resilient, etc.

I was kinda lucky that there were men in the community that'd see me in my situation and take me off fishing or some crap (dads of my friends) - as far as I'm aware that's not even a thing now.


I came from a stable home, so I was lucky. Unfortunately the internet amplifies extreme views, so we need positive messages out there.

Definitely agree!