Adverbs explained.

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Hi guys
I welcome to amzzy lecture


Earliar today we started with types of adverbs.
They are.
Adverb of time
Adverb of reason
Adverb of place
Adverb of frequency
Adverb of degree or qualify
Adverb of negation and affirmation.

We have already discussed the adverb of time,degree,manner.

So get ready.on your marks set to go

Adverb of frequency

This type of adverb describes how often an action is performed.
Stecy ofen make mistakes

Often is an adverb of frequency stating how often or how many times stecy make mistakes.
Example 2
He seldom comes here
Seldom is an adverb that try to tell more how many time she comes here.
Words like frequently,continually,seldom,often,occasionally rarely are all adverb of frequency.

Adverb of reason
This type of adverb tells the reason behind an action.
It answers the question why.
Words like because,therefore ,thus, consequently,so,hence once answer the question why and are therefore regarded as adverb of reasons.

I was in hungry ,so I ordered for food

"So" in the above sentence answers the reason behind the action of ordering food.
I was not well hence did not go to school .

Adverb of affirmation
These are adverb that depict positive answers.
I will definitely support your post.
I will certainly be there.

Definitely and certainly are adverbs of affirmation.

Adverb of negation.
Depict negative answer.

I will never do my assignment.

Never is an adverb of negation.

Thanks for active listening.
See you tomorrow...
