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RE: Describe Your Para: কল্পনার পটলডাঙ্গা।

in BDCommunity4 years ago

well done... my expectation is only increasing.....

Imagining you with John Coltran and a cup of tea looking out of the window while reading about Strike limping through the streets of London :)


Imagination is the only easy way to get anywhere easily. @azircon vai well said 😊

 4 years ago (edited) 

I think I'll hold you to that.:) I always liked Jazz. Never was crazy though. But as you said, It clicked. Mr symes clicked bad. Ive allready heard it like 5 times. But it shouldve been longer than 5 mins. Its not enough :(

I still cant understand Strike though. Im at that point where he just assigned a Temp and two new client just came in.. One has something to do with his kid friend charlie. Who supposedly rode off of a quarrie and died.. Pretty interesting actually.. I imagine all the charecters speaking in a brit accent.. Quite funny TBH :D