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RE: || Copy , stealing and inspiration || - do it your own way

in BDCommunity4 years ago (edited)

If you copy from ten, you are still a thief. If you don’t site your sources you are a thief. You post anything for reward that you haven’t created .... and post without permission, you are considered a thief. It’s simple.

Oh .. and this is not my opinion... it’s a fact; and there are no alternative facts


There are a few sites they may not claim referencs... What to do in those cases?

Which site?

Even if the content is public and free to use you still have to use correct sources.

There is no IF, BUT OR COCONUT

Suppose someone copies my post. When I asked him for doing this, he replied it has been published publicly . What steps should be taken then?

You tell me and I will make sure that he/she never earn a single hive...

Okay dada... I got it