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RE: ভোট দুই প্রকার - আপ এবং ডাউন

in BDCommunity4 years ago

I believe we can all improve. It just need to have enough incentive. If I tell Saiful gently multiple times that don’t do 4-5 posts a day. He doesn’t listen. He is a big shot, why listen to a guy asking to stop his farming. But when I threaten him that I WILL stop his farming by DV. Well finally he seems to listen. Or at least tries to get is head out of his backside! Pardon my French! ;)


lol the phobia of DV works all the time 😂
But yeah, in a way he is loosing his reputation for long terms aspect! If he does not see that, he will be in trouble soon enough. Hopefully he gets that before its too late!!