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RE: International Women's Day.

in BDCommunity2 months ago

Happy International women day. Women are pure gift from God to every human and trust me their impact is really great in this world. We are blessed to have amazing mothers and women who surround us and we must show them love and cherish them so so much


We are blessed to have women in our midst. Mothers are amazing and priceless... Duly deserved celebration.

We are really blessed to have women and mothers in our life and that is why we must always appreciate them and make them more priceless. Everyone in our life should make sure that their mothers are well celebrated in due season and due time. It is really necessary. They really deserve celebrations. Sometimes I usually wonder where will be my life without my mother

We are blessed and it's a thing of delight to have them. Their enormous strength and abilities cannot be overemphasized. Thank you very much.

Perfectly true. Their strength to the community is enormous and trust me a lot of us will not be here we are today without them actually. Everything we are today is to a large extent of the role they play

Within 2018, my mother has left this world and till date no one has been able to fulfill this loss and will not be able to do it in the near future because no one in the world can do the care that our mother can do. No matter how good one's will is, no one can care like a mother, so those whose parents are alive should serve them and treat them well.

I am really sorry about your loss. I lost mine too 2008 and I still remember her every single time. Wish she stayed longer but God knows best. God's got us. Stay strong, my friend.

It is a fact that one remembers mother all the time.