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RE: Establishing Compatibility: A Case For Self-Improvement

in BDCommunity2 years ago

True, we're all humans and as humans we're not perfect. No matter how we try or pose to be..we can never attain perfection..but then, we should be willing to change what we can in other for our relationships to thrive.

I've never really been a social person but I find myself knowing a lot of people and they see me as a gentle person.. but what they don't know is that I have a bad mouth. As someone who's not strong physical, my mouth has always been my weapon of defense and I sharpened it well. But I got to discover that I tend to say hurtful things especially when I'm angry. In as much as it became part of my nature, it was good at all. I lost a lot of people in my lives because of that.

Then I took a bold step to try to change, it's not easy, humans can always get on your nerves and do hurtful things.. but I was ready to change. So nowadays instead to reply when there's an outburst, I just walk away.. it's not easy, sometimes I still have to say my mind but I do it with a lot of restraint, because I want to improve my self and keep the relationships I've built.

Everyone knows that aspect of their lives they can change, and those areas they can improve. We're all in a journey of self discovery and only a man who knows himself can handle situations..

Great post as always...happy Sunday ❤️🔥❤️


Thanks for relating your story. That is a huge step to personally improve yourself. Sincerely people do not want to look at the fact that they might be flawed. Sometimes in order to coexist with our fellow humans there are certain aspects of us that needs to go or needs to be refurbished, sometimes it might feel like losing our identity. But the truth is, we don't. Striving hard to be better doesn't mean losing an important aspect of us.
When people through change, it's important to predict how difficult the process might be as a result of tinkering and tweaking.
Thanks for coming through