Building Category over Building Brand

in BDCommunity5 years ago


What is your brand known for? A very important question in the market. In building brand one should think of a better way of building a unique category, one that is completely new when compare to other brands. I love what Tommy Tommy did for those that know that brand of Noodles. They introduced inpacked carrots and vegetables, which at the end boasted their brand.

At some level all you need is to create a category , new and unique in such a way it will be the first time such category will be existing in the marketplace. Also you have to find a way of keeping this category new by adding values upon it from time to time, and actively promoting that category much more than the brand. Category should at this point be the driver.

Lastly be aware of competitors but don't spend your time watching them. Many will copy your steps of success in other to compete with your brand but Never Never and Never change your pattern. Stay put with what already working for you, keep working towards that your unique category. Since you are the first into that category, any incoming competitor will only succeed in adding more to your success. You are the leader! Consumers will still prefer you over any other competitor.

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