Recognition of conditions and opportunities is an important joy!


At random having heard the ancient story of a farmer whose only property was a small piece of land, and his old horse, who cultivated the land. One day the horse disappeared and the neighbors said how unhappy the man was. The man just said we're going to see. Soon after, the horse returned with a strong, handsome, and wild horse, and all the neighbors told the man how happy he was. The man answered patiently we'll see.

One day the horse threw the man's son, who broke his leg, and all the neighbors told the man how damn it was to find the horse. Again, the man replied, Let's see. Shortly after his son broke his leg, the soldiers came to the village and took all the capable youths, except his son. When the man's friends told him how happy he was that his son had broken his leg, the man said only: We will see.

The farmer may seem too relaxed, discouraged, and too far from the pressures of modern life to be a model for us today. He was a simple man who today lacked education and sophistication.

But is that so?
I think the message of the story is that we never know what's just around the corner. We will be much happier and less stressed if we accept things we cannot control. Whatever happens to us, good or bad, we are not aware of the whole situation and know what might happen next.

Some of the worst things that can happen to any of us have often turned into masked blessings. Of course, sometimes they can be very well camouflaged, at least at this time. In hindsight and over time, however, they often turned out to be what we needed.

Sometimes we can worry so much that we're compassionate with ourselves and look at the door that's just closed, that we turn to flash, we don't even notice the door that just opened.

There is no doubt that this can sometimes be said rather than done, but as with most things in life, our attitude is crucial. You will certainly be able to do this easily if you have an overview of life.

Recognition of conditions and opportunities is an important joy.
However, this does not mean that you should be satisfied with your part and accept things as they are.

For example, one of the negative things you can do is say you hate your job, but decide it's the best thing you can do, and at least pay well, stay with it. In this case or similar cases, you may be satisfied, but you are not happy and are certainly not grateful.

It is complacency or trapped in a rod or comfort zone. Or we could call it death rattles.

No matter what you want to call, it's not where you want to be.

Instead, you can be grateful to have a job, decide that you can and will do better and that you'll learn what you can do from work until you're ready to take your next step. With this attitude, you may be dissatisfied but happy.

Being dissatisfied is also one of the motivating factors. When you realize where you have enough and decide that you will no longer be something, it will usually be a turning point in your life and when things start to happen.

Dissatisfaction is also the starting point for all the progress that humanity has made throughout history. To give a simple example, if our ancestors had been satisfied with horses or bicycles, we would not have the trains, cars, or other means of transport that we have today.

However, acceptance of circumstances and events is closely related to many other important and often overlooked factors that influence our success and happiness. Gratitude, forgiveness, and acceptance from both people and ourselves can have dramatic effects.

God has given me the quietness to acknowledge things I can't change, the fearlessness to change what I can, and the intellect to perceive the distinction.

Personal development and self-growth are a constant journey. Growing up, learning, and developing as human beings and a better life are basic human needs. If we can acknowledge things we can't control, we'll be a lot more joyful and more grounded to work for the things that issue most to us, where we can have a difference.


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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
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I think that I heard for that story that you took just a part of it... It has a lot more, but you get to the point... We never know what is waiting for us behind the corner, but we shouldn't stress about it as it is a normal thing...

Absolutely that is the point!
Night & Day the seven skies are in motion
Something would happen
Why stress out :)

I like the wisdom of the story. It is often worth not to decide at once but say to yourself "Will see..."

Absolutely right, indeed!