in BDCommunity4 years ago


Love is a phenomenon that transcends the mundane, and to be privileged having someone to share it with, is divine!"

I've been Hypnotized


Just like the cloud's cry seizes the thirsty ground
So your thoughts had captured my heart and had it spell bound.
Your name soothes my tongue and your voice appeases my ears
like a melodious music romances the air
And your tender touch vibrates in my heart
like a tremor rocks the earth.

Your smile brightens my face
Like the sun does to a day I could say
Your words lifts my soul and sends it miles away.
And your stare often send messages to my spine, encrypted in digital
Oh, what a joy that flows like a river!

Your Constant appearances in my dreams assures me a Happy ending
a pleasant imagination with promises so resounding.
Loving you has become my hobby
a scintillating part of my story.
Tell me you love me too
and I will forever make my heart habitable for you.

Thanks for stopping by


Hi, @jearyjoe, I liked you poem a lot. And I love: Loving you has become my hobby
a scintillating part of my story.
Thanks for sharing!!!

I'm glad you like my poem, and I'm so grateful you don't just tell me but supported me by tweeting about it

I truly appreciate the gesture

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