Describe Your Para

in BDCommunity4 years ago

The name of our neighborhood is Khejurtek, Thana Ashulia, District, Dhaka.
Our neighborhood is full of green nature. Our neighborhood is full of greenery. A tributary of the Bangshai River flows past our house. It is fun to travel by boat in the rainy season. In the afternoon, sitting by the river, Himel breathed life into the air.


When the monsoon season ends, mustard cultivation begins.


Mustard field
When mustard cultivation is over, paddy cultivation starts


paddy field

Our neighborhood in the winter
It is very good to wake up in the winter morning and eat the juice of date palm.
We have a primary school, a private school, a high school, a mosque, a vegetable market, a fish market. 80% of the people in our neighborhood are educated. Some work, some do business and some are day laborers. All this laid us down.
Thank you @bdcommunity for organizing such a competition.


Bro... it's about describing your neighborhood.
but you described yourself as it seems to me.

there are many good writers writing for this contest so you should be more creative.
I hope you'll do better next time.

inshaallah. i will try to my best.tnx