~ Getting back together ~

in BDCommunity2 years ago

Greetings pupil.

The remuneration gets us all but how many of us do stick with our closing self? We all are in search for a better living while some of us are rich and healthy while others are just always struggling. I remember how @tahminasyed once mentioned to me, that writing is not us but a part of us that we may or may not choose. At that moment I didn't give a close look at what she said but now, after being away from writing for such a long time, I do realize what she meant.

KAROLINA GRABOWSKA from kaboompics

Our lives are filled with little stories of what we represent and repress and from it all, our personalities form. It may be a blessing for those of us who get in touch with what they like. I never actually was a big fan of writing but I loved reading. I was passionate towards it for a long time but as time passed by, it was something I lost my interest on. Life moved on and little did my concentration divert to writing.

Getting back together is nothing less of an importance for me, it is equal to all the emotions and devotion I felt towards writing that got me with it at the end. It is now that I realize that penning down spoken words or thoughts can actually give it another sense of power that is missing until you start writing.

Writing and earning was never my aim and that is not why I ever joined here, the purpose was to get myself back with something that I like instead. I was particularly woven by my emotions that is why I had to find a place of relief and here I was. As time played its' roll, I too got caught up with things that demanded my attention, distracting myself back to be clouded with my monotonous lifestyle.

If you are looking to get back together with things that you like, you should get back to it, without wasting away any time. Life is small although big enough, yet the reality will constantly try to take away from your comfort zone to the uncomfortable, from peace to distraction. Life goes that way around and we know it, yet we fall to its trap.

I am glad I am back on this again. Hopefully, time will get away with distracting me this time. If you are facing the same issue with time, take it as a challenge in making your way back to life, it is not the easiest path but it isn't so tough either.

~The End~

This is my twenty-seventh post in HIVE. I hope to connect well with everyone. This is me here, Lemonade1, I am a bookworm, meaning I love reading books more than anything. It is my first priority and also my last. Besides everything else, I love traveling and I aim to create my travel diary here.

~~ Life is too short, so I like when we argue less and converse more. Be productive than being futile. Spread our wings and fly freely. I hope you are with me. ~~


Assalamualaikum, may peace be upon you.


Welcome back ! ❤️

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Going through the same, caught up in random meaningless stuff. But will try to be more active. Hopefully this time, the continuity will be there for me. 😅

Welcome back anyway.

We people often hear some words, to give importance of time to have time, to take care of teeth to have teeth. Hope to return to the world of writing may also reveal a similar direction. But even after a few days you understand and start writing again, that's the point.

Writing habit is a very good quality, not everyone has it. So if someone is in the habit of writing, then they should continue to write.

It is a fact that people are not aware of hunger pangs when there is food in the stomach. Similarly, when people have something, many people do not understand its importance. When people lose something, they get a better sense of its importance. However, there are exceptions to this in many jobs.

Finally, thank you so much for getting back to writing. Hope we can see your good writing in the future.