~ What is luxury? ~

in BDCommunity11 months ago

Greetings pupil.

Luxury to me and to you, will not be different. There you go, I said it. Luxury is a specific word with specific meaning and it concerns MONEY in its basics. So, we must STOP sharing that I am in luxury when you are clearly not.

You are happy, content, you are able to spend in what you like but that isn't luxury. So, WHAT IS LUXURY? It is a very amateurish topic but trust me, most of us still mix it up. I have often heard people under loan saying that they are spending in luxury. You know that clearly doesn't make sense.


Collected from kaboompics

So, luxury is when you have ample amount of money that you can spend on ANY THING you like or you don't or for fun or for pleasing others, or anything else entirely. Luxury is not spending on things I like for a day with limited amount of money. I might feel like giving myself a treat in my hectic life even if I am not living in luxury. I can be dying in loan and yet give myself some treat here and there that which makes me happy. It is very casual of us to do so. Yes, we are under loan but not every loan can be returned that easily.

Sometimes it takes longer than months to return it. I am not partying with people who take loans but sometimes, I agree that some people do not have choice. However, making yourself happy is a human right and even though you are under loan, small treats to yourself isn't too much. That is how I think, but calling it living in luxury for a day, no, I can't side with that. That says too much on how you are being nonchalant about your financial stability.

We are living in 2023 and it is a fact that we all are dealing with our own kind of financial struggles. Ultimately it really doesn't matter if someone is trying to portray they are living in luxury when they are not, it has nothing to do with us. However, I am sharing this for those who do it, because ultimately you are the one deceiving yourself. That is something I think you don't want to do with yourself.

But on another stand, if calling your treats, 'a moment of luxury', makes yourself happy, then I guess you go on with what suits you. Afterall, you are living and dealing with your life. Alas, I still think it is too much for me to share the burden of the word, luxury in my life. However, I do aim and believe that I will be able to be content with my financial life one day and that day will come.

~The End~

This is my thirtieth post in HIVE. I hope to connect well with everyone. This is me here, Lemonade1, I am a bookworm, a lover of traveling and I aim to create my travel diary here, one day.

~~ Life is too short to waste away in procrastination. Spread your wings and fly freely with your consciousness in your pocket. ~~


Assalamualaikum, may peace be upon you.


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The spirit of luxury, I wish to be financial free.

Yeah. Me too.