Splinterlands Amazing Battles – Fighting Fire with Fire

in BDCommunity10 months ago

Welcome, Splinter people! I am pleased to present yet another fiery battle you should study so you can get better at playing to earn!


Rule Sets (Modern Format)

Born Again + Earthquake + 35 Mana and Fire + Water and Earth elements available.

About my Lineup/Strategy

Yodin Zaku (Summoner):

As you know, Yodin needs no introduction being an overpowered summoner and very versatile.


Living Lava

Great to counter Protect ability with Rust and resist against the Earthquake effect with his Shield ability.

Ash Mirage

In case of a mirror match, Ash is the perfect counter, he reduces the ranged attack (Headwinds) and it also protect the backline of the blast effect with Reflection Shield.

Lava Spider and Serpentine Spy

They won’t survive very long since they don’t have the Flying ability, but they are very relevant to target the backline (support monsters).

And Lava Spider has Snare which is very useful against Flying monsters.

Spark Pixies + Tower Griffin

Tower Griffin can’t do much damage, but he increases the survivability of the whole team with Protect, while Spark Pixies can stun and Fly.

My Team

Yodin Zaku
Living Lava
Ash Mirage
Lava Spider
Tower Griffin
Serpentine Spy
Spark Pixies

The Battle

Click on the image to watch the fight:

Round 1

Unfortunately, my opponent also picked Living Lava, countering Tower Griffin’s Protect ability.

The good news is: Ash Mirage counters his team perfectly! Not only that, he has an Antoid Platoon idle in the second position! Let’s see how it goes!


Living Lava absorbed the damage very well, finishing the round with 7 HP! And Serpentine Spy killed Spark Pixies in a single blow!

Round 2

Thanks to Spark Pixies, he stunned Living Lava’s opponent allowing my tank to survive another round! Serpentine Spy killed Pixies for the 2nd time!


Round 3

In the beginning of round 3, many monsters died by the Earthquake, from my opponent: Supply Runner, Scavo Chemist and Living Lava (all of them resurrected) and my Serpentine Spy.

In the end of this round I got rid of Living Lava getting my +2 armor (Protect) back! So, at this point my advantage is huge and I can Skip to Results.



Antoid Platoon being idle made my opponent’s lineup weaker and he didn’t have any monsters targeting my backline as I did with Lava Spider and Serpentine Spy.

And of course, Ash Mirage ruined his attack power and saved my backline to get hurt by the Blast effect!

See this amazing battle again: @marianaemilia versus @matt-dub

Thanks for reading!

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But getting Zaku is not that cheap to get. If you use monster reflection shield and in 2nd position and taunt in first with any other summoner will make it a better team.

Interesting! Thanks for the tip!

Most welcome, regards.


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Hi, I really liked the Battle, I will take note of it for my lineups. 🙂

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