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RE: BDCommunity Presents - The Weekly Turni

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Flash Contest

              The Marathon

My these days are confined mostly in four walls so i am gonna describe my most entertaining waste of time from the days i have left behind. By entertaining waste of time i have understood the time which were meant for something useful and i have wasted it and had entertainment.

So the college hours are really much important for everyone. But the young minds are not get used to it. We love to hangout those hours with the college gang. Here gang is used for friend groups. Because we address every circle by different gang names. Dont think it as group of thugs type gang. Hahaha. That was an government college and those usually has big rooms and three or four door. After the attendance were done we used to leave from the back doors escaping the eyes of teacher. And we would move to the foska stalls or park or anywhere for travel. Sometimes it used to be like Marathon. I have said marathon because we used to be on college uniform so if any teacher or any officials were came across us we used to run in the different way. Those happened a lot time.

So for me this is the most entertaining waste of time which i am missing a lot.