Social media challenge: Splinterlands 6 year anniversary 

in BDCommunitylast month

For more than a year, I've always been hearing about Splinterlands on Hive. I see people blog about it, and I see some of my friends who play it too. I started falling in love with it. For the fact that it's also play-to-earn. I really wanted to know more about the game. Anytime people talk about it in the Neoxian city, I always love how they hype it. So far, so good. I met with someone to ask more about what Splinterlands is all about.


He told me everything I needed to know. But then he said I need to have up to a thousand dollars if I truly want to enjoy and earn money in the game. This makes me sad because I couldn't even afford five hundred dollars then. I got discouraged at some point because I realized everyone who plays it actually has money.

But as time went on, I saw some friends playing it too, and I asked them about it and how much they invested. I realized I can actually start by renting cards and doing some little things until I have enough money to invest in the game and play it.

I saw @valchiz talking about Splinterlands in the Neopian city, so I chatted him up, and he started putting me through everything I needed to know. I must say that he took his precious time to teach me everything I needed to know. After, like, a week, he taught me, and I started playing it on my own too. And since then, it has been really beautiful, I must say. I have lost and I have won, but along the way, I have seen lots of improvement.

I'm just a few months old on Splinterlands; there are not too many things yet, but so far, so good. I've gotten some cards while playing Splinterlands. I know the future will be better because I'm so in love with the game.
Due to an extremely poor power supply, I couldn't have the time to play Splinterlands every day. I only enjoy playing it when we have a power supply, but believe me, we have this power supply sometimes and not regularly. So I stay more online while playing the game, depending on how good and stable our power supply is. Meanwhile, it's not too nice playing on a phone, unlike on a PC.

I haven't really achieved anything good, to my taste, so I see myself as a beginner. But believe me, I know the future is beautiful and bright, as I've achieved some goals. I wanted to become one of the top players in the higher leagues and always top the leaderboard.

If you ever have interest in playing Splinterlands, I will say you should start somewhere. Believe me, you don't have to be damn rich before you start playing. I believe if I'd started playing, I would have moved more than I'm. Splinterlands is a very interesting game, and believe me, you will love to play it.
Happy 6-year anniversary to Splinterlands.

Images from here

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I really admire the fact that you set a goal to start playing spl and you did. I’m proud of you and I’m happy to see you doing well.

You know I've to do it for us. Thanks darling 😘

Can you imagine.😂😂

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I am interested in playing the game too, but don't know how to go about it. Put me through pls

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121