ICTM: Individual contribution To Manager [Leadership]

in BDCommunitylast year

Leadership plays a pivotal role in the success of organizations. While managers are responsible for executing plans and managing resources, leaders provide the vision, inspiration, motivation, empowerment, innovation, change management, relationship-building, and strategic thinking that can help organizations achieve their goals. In this essay, we will explore how effective leadership can contribute to achieving organizational goals, where managers may fall short.

One of the primary ways leaders can help achieve goals is by setting a compelling vision. A clear and inspiring vision provides team members with a sense of purpose and direction, helping them understand the "why" behind their work. Leaders who articulate a compelling vision can motivate and guide team members towards a common goal, instilling a sense of ownership and commitment among them. A vision acts as a guiding star, helping team members stay focused and motivated, even in the face of challenges and setbacks.

In addition to setting a vision, leaders have the ability to inspire and motivate their team members. Through their passion, enthusiasm, and effective communication, leaders can energize and engage team members towards achieving the goal. They can recognize and reward achievements, provide timely feedback, and create a positive and inclusive work culture that fosters employee engagement and commitment. Leaders who genuinely care about the well-being and growth of their team members can inspire them to go above and beyond, driving higher levels of performance and productivity.

Empowering and developing team members is another critical aspect of leadership. Leaders can provide team members with autonomy, decision-making authority, and opportunities to contribute their unique skills and perspectives towards achieving the goal. By trusting and empowering their team members, leaders can foster a culture of ownership, accountability, and innovation. Leaders can also invest in the development of their team members through coaching, mentoring, and training, enhancing their skills and capabilities, which can ultimately contribute to achieving the goal more effectively.

Innovation and creativity are crucial drivers of organizational success, and leaders play a vital role in fostering these qualities among team members. Leaders can create a supportive environment where ideas are valued, and experimentation is encouraged. They can promote open communication, collaboration, and learning, which can lead to new ideas and solutions that can help achieve the goal more effectively. Leaders who foster a culture of innovation and creativity can empower their team members to think outside the box, take calculated risks, and come up with innovative solutions to overcome challenges and achieve the goal.

Managing change and uncertainty is another area where effective leadership is essential. In today's dynamic and rapidly changing business environment, organizations often face significant challenges related to change and uncertainty. Leaders can effectively manage change by providing clarity, communication, and guidance to team members. They can address resistance to change, provide reassurance during times of uncertainty, and help team members navigate through challenges and setbacks. Leaders who can effectively manage change can maintain focus and momentum among their team members, ensuring that the goal is achieved despite the uncertainties and complexities.

Building relationships and fostering collaboration is also a critical aspect of leadership in achieving organizational goals. Leaders can create a culture of teamwork, collaboration, and inclusivity among team members, departments, and stakeholders. They can facilitate communication, resolve conflicts, and promote mutual trust and respect among team members. Strong relationships and effective collaboration can lead to better coordination, synergy, and alignment of efforts towards achieving the goal.

Strategic thinking and risk-taking are other important qualities of effective leadership. Leaders can take a strategic and long-term view of the goal, considering various factors and potential risks. They can make informed decisions, take calculated risks, and adjust strategies as needed to ensure that the goal is achieved effectively and efficiently. Leaders who can think strategically and take calculated risks can steer their organizations towards success, even in the face of uncertainties and challenges.


In conclusion, effective leadership plays a crucial role in achieving organizational