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RE: ভোট দুই প্রকার - আপ এবং ডাউন

in BDCommunity4 years ago (edited)

I'd very much love to make 4 posts a day, or five even. But the sad thing is, each one of my posts usually takes two-three hours of my time and I won't succeed making more than two even if I wanted to. And that wouldn't be consistent at all. On top of that, It seems like I'm missing days now on a regular basis! So much for multi-posting!

I dream of making two posts a day which seems to me like a milestone to achieve.

It's not like I lack topics to write on, heck, I have seen a few thousands
films and read more or less a thousand books. Not every work of art deserves a review — even considering that if I don't read or watch anything from now on, I can make one post a day for the next five years without breaking a sweat. But the truth is — some days I can't even write one single word, my mind feels dull and stale. I just stare at the keyboard and drifts away inward. Somewhere.

Writing is tiresome and laborious work. I wonder and marvel at people who can make 5 posts, and consistently.


You see how hard it is?!

You hit the nail right on the head. It is at least 2 hours of work to put together a basic post. Rarely I get 2 hours of free time everyday. Forget 10!!

That's about it, isn't it? Time is something we can't really produce no matter how hard we try or how much money we have. It's absolutely important to learn how to do time management, utilizing free time effectively.

I don't have that finesse, not yet at least. Perhaps, someday. :)