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RE: Confession: A few books that went over my head

in BDCommunity4 years ago (edited)

I actually read more for pleasure than pain.

That's understandable, no funny business either. I think I will lean towards that perspective as well. These selected books can humiliate you or ascend to a higher throne themselves -- however you want to see it. But I go back to them again and again. I must like the taste of defeat. Or I'm a masochist!
I've been meaning to read Crime and Punishment. Read a bunch of short books by Dostoyevsky but left the big one for the last. I wonder how will I fare. I also didn't read Moby Dick yet.


I don't know why I keep going back to the 'classics'. I actually don't think it's masochism, I think it's an intense curiosity to know about the author and the work.

I'd guess I want to know what really good literature IS. I certainly didn't take the courses in college, I didn't care THAT much :) Maybe it's like the mountain climber that can't rest until he climbs Everest or K2. The sad part is I don't know the literature equivalent of those peaks, so I have to read them and see when I get done. Obviously I haven't found them yet.

That's a good analogy. And to find that peak, you have to keep reading and see what peak is steeper. And one lifetime is not enough. Perhaps, two or three aren't either.

I think my peak, for now, is Ulysses. How I want to conquer it!

I didn't take a literature course in college either and actually, looking back, I think I should have. We have a "science" craze in our country, to get better jobs, you have to pick a science discipline. While I'm very much a science lover, I think I'd love fine arts even more and perhaps literature too. But I was a different person and also a kid back then.

In all honesty? I was scared of a liberal arts education. Like you, I like Science and was happy to take those courses, but I did not like the required English courses that went with them, so I never even looked at lit.

My friend from San Diego's first degree was a Masters of English. She worked a very little as a reporter but was an Editor at a major newspaper for a few years until she got bored (or something else I don't know) and went sailing. She was on an all female crew in America's Cup qualifying :)

Then she got a PHD in Physics. She taught at a Liberal Arts University in So Cal. She's just retired due to CV from being a substitute HS teacher while she finishes up her PHD in ornithology. Next time I go hiking with her I'll ask about the literature degree. She'll tell me. I'll give her the Baron of the Trees then too. Yep, she is still an intense reader.