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RE: The Generous Life.

in BDCommunity2 months ago

We are definitely not created for ourselves. We are to live for others and also ourselves. It's not limited to material things...there are so many things we can voice...a shoulder to cry on and the likes too. Thanks for this


That is very true. A shoulder to really lean on. A lot of people really need to understand this. Do you know that if everyone of us is living with this mindset, our society will be in a much better place to be than where it is right now. But well, that is how life is actually. I strongly believe if a lot of humans can have this mindset, the world of humanity will be a better place to be

It's all about the mindset. Once we can cultivate that mindset, it's easier to see things in a different perspective. We need to grow into this mindset and do what's right for us and for those around us.

That's true. It's all about mindset. Mindset can really make the difference beyond what we can ever imagine of. Mindset is the difference factor

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