Teenage Love

in BDCommunity3 years ago

Love without a doubt is a beautiful thing. But one love I feel would always end sadly or with heartbreak is teenage love. I feel teenagers at the age of eighteen and below should worry about nothing else but their books, how to come first in class and make mama proud.


I remember when I was around that age, I had been in a relationship with this girl at that time and it had ended sadly for me. It was during the time of my final exams. Dad had asked me to go apply for the exam in a different school because my school wasn't eligible to write the exam at the time and that was where I had met Ifeyinwa.

Ifeyinwa was a student of the school I had gone to apply for and it took no time for us to become friends. At first, the plan had been to just be friends, nothing more. But cupid obviously had different plans for us. We started "dating" and would spend hours together after class just because that was the only time we had to be together. Ifeyinwa stayed with her aunt while I stayed with my parents and in a country like ours where we aren't allowed to be in any form of relationship with the opposite sex unless we are of age (and by of age, I mean the age of marriage) it was totally impossible to meet at our place so we always made sure to stay back for some few hours after school was over just to talk about everything and nothing at all.

I was sure we probably named our first and second child then, that was how much in love we both were with each other, until it all came to an end.

No one cheated on the other and no one broke up with the other person, we just were reminded of the fact that we still were very dependent on the people we lived with and everything we thought we had for each other could easily come to an end within a blink of an eye.

It was the last day of the exam and that simply meant that the one channel which we had and used to see each other was about to come to an end, and that was when reality dawned on us, that was when I realized how little power I had over my self. I wanted to be with her but there was nothing I could do to make that happen.

And even after our final papers when we both said our final goodbyes, I wanted to hold her hand and never let go, but I couldn't because I knew there was nothing I could do to stop her from leaving, to stop our relationship from coming to an end. And that is why I feel nothing good comes out of teenage love, only sadness (well except your parents are the opposite of mine)..


The feelings of teenage love is unforgettable . Such a great feelings that was :)

I truely agree with you and this cycle continues

I feel would always end sadly or with heartbreak is teenage love

I totally disagree to this feeling of yours because I've seen a lot of people who are married today and dated right from their teenage age till date they are still waxing strong and one of my aunt's is that person. She got into her love relationship at thirteen but today she's happily married to that same man. She has no regrets. I've also read a lot of posts on hive where a lot of them mention how they met their wives when they were still in their teen ages.

Your aunt started dating at the age of thirteen? Her eyes quick open sha. 😂

Anyways, I think I shouldn't have used the word "always"

"Probably" would have been a better word.

Yep! But now she's the one giving relationship advice more than another person. Lol. I got her secret from her mother. She doesn't know

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