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RE: Living The Life.

in BDCommunitylast month

Life can really be tricky for us at times but we must always have courage and just like you said, courage is not the absence of fear but the presence of how to handle it. No matter what life throws at us, whether it is a dry season or the rainy season, we must always be strong and strong and continue to keep going no matter what it may actually be. We should also understand that season changes, there are times we will have a dry season in our life and there are times we will have the rainy season in our lives


Season changes, life changes and life being life, waits for no one. We have the ability to change things from our side and have the courage to accept the things we cannot change. I love this your analysis.

Perfectly true. Seasons changes, life brings to us sometimes what we don't expect at times. A Joseph today as prisoner can become a prime minister tomorrow. We should never look down on anyone no matter the situation they are into right now

Never look down on anyone except you are trying to hold their hands to take them up. Life is unexpected and we need to have a good heart to be the best of ourselves.

Perfectly true. Never look down on anyone because you don't know tomorrow. Only God knows tomorrow and the God that knows tomorrow can really change situation in just a second. Life is filled with unexpectedly