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RE: Time To Dream Open Doors.

in BDCommunity3 months ago

There is power in our imagination only if many of us is aware of this, we will make proper use of our mind house to imagine great things. We need to expand our thinking faculty and think more greatly than we think. It is necessary that we dream beyond where we are now and see ourselves in great future. It might look hard but it is not impossible


We need to expand our thinking...that's absolutely correct. Most people love the sage options. They don't like whatever stresses their minds. We need to engage our mind and dream possibilities.

Thank you very much for this.

Perfectly true. We really need to work on expanding our thinking faculty because that is where the power to change our world lies. The power house of our mind actually.

Our thinking would either make or mar things and that's why with positive mindset, we can make a lot of positive changes, not only to ourselves but to the world at large.