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RE: Intoxicated.

in BDCommunity3 months ago

I am already blushing right here imagining this was written for me. Those lines actually communicated strong message and love is really a beautiful thing and feeling most especially when you are with the right person. It gives that perfect match


When you are with the right person, everything falls into place and the joy is of a kind and rare. Love is so beautiful and don't worry, you will have poems written for you every single day when that guy comes. 🥰🥰😍😍😍

Perfectly true. I can vividly understand that feeling. The best thing that can ever happen to someone in love is to be with the right person. Everything fall into places just as you said and there is no need to be sad. There is quite peace and joy and that is the type of relationship everyone should strive to have

It makes sense with the right person, absolutely... You know when it's with someone who feels the same way about you, there is no need to hide or feel insecured...and you have that freedom to be yourself.

Perfectly true. Why a lot of people are having issue in their relationship is because they are with the wrong person. When you are with the right person, it actually makes things more easy in the relationship. The right person or been with the right one makes love more beautiful to enjoyed