"Ashaa Othoba Nirashaa".[I will make Animals Friends]

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Island src

Hello, people

This contest is weird but interesting. Full of funny, fiction and silly imaginations and that is what I love.

What gives hope, I believe that hope can be given from a positive mindset from the present situations like something different or I would say a way forward.

I have watched movies based on this experience but I was yet to imagine myself in this kind of condition till as I am writing this content and having funny imaginations in my mind.
For one to be in that kind of situation there must be a process because one cannot just wake up after a lovely sleep and find themselves in such a troubling situation. This can only happen when that person either survived a shipwreck and was flushed by the fierce waves of the sea or someone that survived a fatal plane crash or that person was born by someone and their parents were eaten by wild animals like I the movie titled jungle book or Tarzan.

Amongst all these unfortunate situations, the imaginary I would choose to be a person who survived a shipwreck. In this situation that means there would not be any means of communication because I have lost all my assets in the sea.

The first thing that I would do at this point is to cry my heart and eyes out throughout the first day that I find myself in that situation. Crying for the entire day and sleeping outside for the first time in an island full of cold trees without a duvet that would be a cold and frustrating night.

The worst thing that could happen at that moment is when a heavy downpour comes and one would just be like, let the lightning and thunder just strike me to death but most times death does not come at this time. Suicide would not be the best option at this time because the only suicide is to jump back to the ocean that vomited me but that would not be the best option for someone like me because I won’t like to gulp a huge amount of water to death. Maybe, if it was an animated imagination, I would prefer diving into an ice cream fountain and drown with my mouth full of ice cream than just water.

After all my silly suicidal imaginations I would face reality. And that would be what people call survival of the fittest. I would start with a search for food. I hope the island won’t be a dry one though if I could see different trees with fresh supply fruits then that would be hope for survival because I could eat whenever I want to eat.

Hunting would be perfect at this point. I would search for small and fleshy creatures that I could eat, but I can’t eat raw animals. That means I have to adopt the lifestyle of the ancient man and try to make a fire out of stones to keep myself warm and also roast the meat.

In this situation, I could make animal friends by learning their languages if that would be possible, but if I am to make animals my friends as I normally see in the movies. Making animals my friends would mean that I have to reduce my meat intake and depend on fruits and vegetables, or maybe I would kill and eat the savage animals only.

Having animals as my friends, especially the fierce ones, would help protect me from other dangerous animals and they could also help me find shelter. I may live with some of them in a cave because most times islands may have caved. Staying in a cave would protect me from harsh weathers and other weird stuff that goes with island troubles.

Being in this situation would make one be a natural producer because I would have to make clothes for myself and other essential needs. I would visit the ocean to get water to bathe and get a couple of effective grass and make a sponge out of it and make a herbal soap with leaves.

In this kind of situation, being sick would be hard because one’s body system has already adapted to the stress of the island. Even if I get sick, I could fetch some herbs and make herbal drugs out from them I could take and feel better. This is how I would probably live in that kind of situation.
Maybe one fateful day my animal friends would find a secret pathway out of the island to the outer world and I would get back home with their help.

The truth is that I don’t hope to be in this kind of situation because the real me would not endure all these.
Thanks to BD community for this interesting contest because I enjoyed every moment writing this content. Thanks for reading guys! Have a wonderful life.

