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RE: I can't write, I am not talented blah blah! Are you not talented?

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Another important thing many people in this hive blockchain are doing some work, but actually, we are doing nothing but some writing.

If this message is for newbies, then it's fine because many people are on this blockchain for a long time and putting contribution every day directly, indirectly. If your content was about the mentality of newbies, short-term thinking, and rewards then you have to mention that otherwise if you say we are doing nothing except writing then it might be a wrong message to everyone.

If you want to provide a strong message for newbies, then do it strongly so that others don't get the wrong message from it.


If you want to provide a strong message for newbies, then do it strongly so that others don't get the wrong message from it.

If you watched my video, there I strongly mentioned the newbies, so there is no point. I hope you understand. And try to follow your advice! Thanks for the suggestion.