Life of a Mother these days .. is it new normal?

in BDCommunity3 years ago

Hello Everyone

If you are a mother, you know very well that your child depends on you for many things. In fact, its not just about the child only instead family is also dependent on us.

My day starts quite early in the morning (5 am) and the rest of my family members like my husband and kid get up at 7 am approx. I get up early because I need to prepare breakfast and get many regular tasks done so that I won't have to struggle later in the day.


These days online classes are going on so I need to sit with my kid all the time and its an additional activity that has been added because of covid. Earlier when my kid used to go to school that time I was getting 4-5 hours for me since he was in school during this time. But now things are different and he stays in the home all the time.

Its good that he is inside the house but it increases my work and initially it was very difficult for me. Now after the same schedule for many months I am in a position to manage everything.
There are some fixed tasks that I need to do without delay and there is no holiday for me. Its like preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner, helping kids with online classes, getting their homework done, and much other daily stuff.



Its a very busy life and the weekend brings some relaxation because there are no classes and now since summer vacation is going on, I get a few hours more because of this. June month would be good, and once classes start from July, time will be a constraint for me.

In our life, we get used to anything after some time and I feel like after a couple of months I am familiar with all these changes where I always run short of time but is still this is not at all bad.



I am happy that now is the summer vacation and I spend few hours every day learning about new things including crypto, blockchain, and other news and updates about such kinds of stuff.

Family and my kid is always my priority and I try my best to give them more time and care. LIfe has been going like a roller-coaster ride for last year because of the pandemic lockdown and restrictions but together with family support things are still better. I hope that things will improve in the coming days and weeks and I will also be able to continue more on the learning and fun time at the same time.

Thank you so much.

Stay Safe.