Tale Of A 1000 HIVE: If I earned 1000 Hive I will donate 500 Hive for Help Who are Fight Against Covid 19 and 500 Hive for My Tour

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Hello everyone this is your friend @ridoykhan22

I am happy to be a part of @bdcommunity and its my first participation of @bdcommunity contest. Well This contest is about “ What  Would I do if I would earned 1000 Hive?”

So lets talk about this

If is earned 1000 hive then it will do many thing and everyone know that 1000  hive  is a big amount . its almost 22k taka . So I can do many thing with this amount . so I make my choice  in 2 ways .

1.      Donate 500 Hive for then Who are Fight against Covid 19

2.      Make my tour 

Donate 500 Hive for covid 19:

Everyone know that its very bad time we are fight against corona virus . every one is worried of this situation . so in this situation our govt. is not sufficient to control this problem . every scientist and every people are working for this. How to solve this problem . but its very bad new that we can not . we are fail. Till not we are able to find a vaccine of this covid 19.

In this case there are huge no. of people are fighting against this virus . some people are working day and night . some people are fight against this situation . They do not do to home . stile working for this affected people .  this are Our Doctor . Nurse , Health Worker . and other volunteers .

Well I like to donate 505 of this amount for this kind of people who are fighting of this corona virus. Every one know that our country condition  so we need to work together. Help this people and support them in this time . and I like to be a part of this .  and some amount for them how are now jobless and need money to support there family . If we all work  against the corona virus then we will win one day.

Make a Tour :

It’s a Long time I am in  my home . so  its too boring for me . its almost 2 month I am in my home . didn’t go
to any place . I am this kind of man how is not set in a place . we are some friend thinking to make a tour in  hills and sea after Eid but it is canceled  because of this corona virus .  so I thing I will make tour I I will alive. and I will save this money for this tour  . my others friend  talk me to make a tour but in this situation its not possible . but I hope after end of lockdown . and I hope in new year we all alive and this corona virus will gone .  and then I will make a tour in hills , forest and sea .  I like natural places is make my life. Hope we  all see 2021 .

Thanks to @bdcommunity for this  contest . you can find more about this contest  here https://hive.blog/hive-190212/@bdcommunity/bdcommunity-writing-contest-week-1

We all need to donate some amount for the people who are suffering  thistime and also for them who are fighting against covid 19 . You can donate by @bdcommunity  .. here


Thanks for your time

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