A letter to myself

in BDCommunitylast year

Dear self,

I hope you find this message motivating and strong. I know you've felt disheartened and unsure of yourself at times, but I want you to know that you are capable of overcoming any barrier that comes your way.

First and foremost, I want to acknowledge all the wonderful things you've accomplished thus far. You have accomplished so much and deserve to feel proud of yourself. Setbacks and failures should not define you; they are merely opportunities to learn and improve. Remember that you are resilient and capable of overcoming any obstacle.

I also encourage you to pursue your aspirations and passions with enthusiasm. You have the ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to, so don't let fear or uncertainty stop you. Have faith in yourself and your ability. Take chances and embrace the unknown; it's where you'll find the most growth and opportunity.

You don't have to do everything by yourself. Surround yourself with individuals who will pull you up and believe in you. These connections will be crucial to your success and pleasure.

I'd like to remind you to look for yourself. Your emotional and physical well-being is vital to your career and personal objectives. Make self-care a priority, and don't be hesitant to seek help if you need it. Remember that you, like everyone else, deserve love and care.

I also encourage you to keep setting and working toward your objectives. Don't be afraid to dream big and pursue your goals. You have the talent, abilities, and drive to make your dreams come true.

It's crucial to recognize your accomplishments and reward yourself for your efforts. Also, don't be scared to take risks and experiment with new things. Accept difficulties and possibilities for growth. They will make you more successful and fulfilled in the future.

Finally, I want to encourage you always to be loyal to yourself. Don't let other people's expectations or opinions restrict you from being yourself. You are unique and special, and so will your route to success.

I believe in you and your ability to succeed. Don't let anyone or anything stop you from living your greatest life and chasing your aspirations. You are strong, capable, and deserving of all that life has to give.




Realizing our worth is the first step to achieving anything we desire and then comes the next and most crucial part, executing accordingly, so work on your realizations and be the best of yourself. Best of luck!!

I couldn't agree more, Yes, we need to be the best version of ourselves every day.

Thank you

Welcome. 😊

To me, sometimes the hardest letter turns out to be which is written for the person thyself.
Its so tragically funny at times when we look at ourselves and damn barely can recognize.
Hmm.. Yet the truth is we keep on going forward, and leave many miles away, passing sorrows,pain, heartbreak and good memories.
Hope the words find you, and finds you safe.
Good day, 🖐️💝