Keep Going

in BDCommunity2 years ago

Every time I look at my life, a smile appears on my face for some reason. Despite many struggles, ups, and downs, I am now in a better place. I had a hard time. Then I would ask myself, why am I in this situation? Is it some test, or is it an attempt to explain? That I still have a lot to learn a lot. All these questions sometimes surrounded me. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly. But every time, I start to go back to my life again.

Those questions seemed plausible; questions may have been my pillar. I will not bother anyone. But I will say some information, the points that will clarify my position. I've always been a curious person. I have always tried to find the answers to my own questions. Maybe this is another imperfection of being introverted. But these small factors have helped me discover a new world for myself. Every human being is accustomed to thinking differently. All I have done is curiosity and the amount of dedication.

Because of the effort, I have been able to give for this time.

I am thrilled with my position now! At least I can compare my past with my current situation. I think, of course, my activities are spreading. When the opportunity knocks on your door, you must answer it when you are very worried about the current situation. Then you will lose your alternative roads. When I started my first job, my wages were offset by my travel expenses. But, I did not give up. Because I was hungry for experience. The rules of society have found me jarring.

Since then, I have continued to look for opportunities. My initial thought was, through this, I would better prepare myself. Whenever you enter a new medium, you keep looking for a way out. Don't go for less than your full potential if you don't get a six-digit salary according to the condition of our country. Then maybe it will be difficult for you to continue your life. Don't stop here; you have to stay in an office and compile a file for the ridiculous amount of money on a boss's orders.

Our lives are full of shit rules. We have always done what we love, and we are interested in doing so. Never miss an opportunity when knocking on the door because it can be helpful in your future. The current situation is getting worse day by day. Now it is not easy to enter any job if you want. No matter how good a student you are, you have to overtake 10,000 people and get a job.

Many plan to go straight to the top. Due to which they do not have any experience of life in themselves. But their plans lead them in any direction. Such incidents are often seen now; in the end, no job is tied to their fate. Whatever happens in life and whatever you get. You are solely responsible for what you earn at the end of the day.



Sometimes we need to encourage ourselves