I made tasty hilsa fish curry recipe

in BDCommunity3 years ago




Little hilsa fish
Mustrad Oil
Green pepper
Red chilli
Black cumin paste




First of all , I had cut fish nicely. After cuting fish , I had sliced potatoes. Actually I had taken all elements like needed . You can take like needed . As you wise absolutely . I had washed fish and potatoes with water slidely. I had mixed tumeric and salt with water on pan. When water is hot , I leave little hilsa fish on pan.


Thus I will fry fish . After a while I gave potatoes in fish and fry .After roasting fish and hilsa fish, I admix some water like needed . Sometimes I boil curry . On the whole I take down the whole curry . After that I blend some materials with hot oil.Such as Onion ,
Garlic ,Ginger ,Cardamom, Cloves ,Black cumin paste .Finally I leave mingle hot oil on pan. I bloom full curry . Thus I had made hilsa fish curry recipe .


Phone camera : Mi A1

Cooker : @simaroy

Capture by @simaroy

Regards @simaroy


This is not Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha), it seems to me "khoira fish"

Absolutely right dada. It is known as khoira fish. You are right . Thanks you so much for telling this fish original name.

Oh wow you don’t scaled the fish? How to fish eyeballs taste! :) looks great but I’d chop the heads off! But then again I’m an inexperienced American!

Thanks a lot for your comment. Eyeballs are very tasty and soft. Really
Different flavors are found in the head of every fish.Fish heads are very beneficial for the health of the human body. It protects against various kinds of disease . If we make chop with this fish , we will get lovely taste . You are right . Some people make this recipe without this fish head . It is their own opinion. You can try this curry recipe. It is very delicious when it is tasted . Thank you.

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Thank you.

Wow it's looking so yummy. This fish is full of nutrition.

Thanks a lot

I don't like fish, but the color of this dish is very nice.

Thanks you so much . Thanks for expressing your innocent feelings .

Tasty, just keep the fish head and tail for me..lol

Thanks @ubani1 friend

Your welcome bro.

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