Splinterlands BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge: Healed Out!



Hello, Splinterlands! It's time for another Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge from Splinterlands! For this post, I will share a battle with the Healed Out Ruleset, which removes all healing abilities. Healing abilities include Heal, Tank Heal, and Triage. If your line-up heavily relies on healing abilities, this ruleset is not for you. Let's take a closer look.

RULESET: Healed Out

All healing abilities are removed.
This applies to summoners as well.
Healing abilities include Heal, Tank Heal, and Triage.


Battle Configuration

For this battle, here are the rulesets and mana caps to be considered: Here we have "Earthquake: Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round" and "Unprotected: Monsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner buffs.", aside from the ruleset Going the Distance. The mana cap is 30, and the active elements are Death and Fire. The ruleset Healed Out really complements the damage dealt by Earthquake to non-flying units. And no armor means that each non-flying monster will receive direct damage from an earthquake. Well, there are ways to increase one's HP during the battle even though the Healed Out Ruleset is present.

Summoner: Thaddius Brood: The main purpose of this summoner is to further decrease the HP of the opponent and also so that I can summon my legendary card from the Death element: Usut!

Pos 1: Cursed Windeku: Even though its Heal ability was disabled, its Thorns ability is quite useful in battles, especially since all monsters have no armor at all.

Pos 2: Riftwing: This is one of the cards that will greatly benefit from the Earthquake ruleset. It has a flying ability, and even though it cannot use any healing abilities, it can increase its HP when another monster dies because of its Scavenger ability.

Pos 3: Venari Marksrat: I put this card in the first position so that when it dies, its Martyr ability will buff Usut's stats.

Pos 4: Usut: This is my main card in this battle. It has the flying ability to cope with the Earthquake ability and also has the Bloodlust ability, which gives Usut +1 to all stats whenever it defeats an enemy.

Pos 5: Soul Strangler: This is one of the few cards with high attack output but little HP, and it will be used to give more HP to Riftwing when it dies.

Pos 6: Corpse Fiend: This is a filler card, and the main purpose is to block attacks coming from the back and feed Riftwing.


The Strategy: My strategy in this battle is for Riftwing and Usut to gain as much HP as possible through their abilities and from Venari Marksrat's Martyr ability. Because these two cards have Flying abilities, they will be my main cards in this battle.


Let's Rumble

The enemy also used Thaddius Brood and decreased the magic attack of Usut by 1. The enemy also used Riftwing, and the line-up that he or she used has more damage output than mine. However, I have two monsters with Flying abilities, whereas he or she only has one.

In round 1, Cursed Windeku on both sides received damage from attacks on both sides and from the Thorn ability as well. Also, my Corpse Fiend received damage from the enemy Silent Sha-vi and easily died.


Usut dealt the final blow to the enemy Riftwing, and its Magic attack, Speed, and HP increased by 1.


At the end of Round 1, the earthquake inflicted damage on my Venari Marksrat and Soul Strangler. The Martyr ability of Venari Marksrat further increased the stats of Usut and also increased Riftwing's stats.


Usut then dealt huge damage to the enemy Riftwing because of its Oppress ability, and this further increased Usut's stats due to his Bloodlust ability.


The enemy now has no more monsters with Flying abilities, and given that Usut's attack power drastically increased, the battle was decided in Round 4, and my line-up won the battle.


Here is the Battle Replay from Splinterlands.


Battle Summary and Analysis

These are my opinions and analysis of the battle that happened.

  1. Even though healing abilities were forbidden, there are other ways for a monster to increase its HP during battle. This includes the abilities Bloodlust, Martyr, and Scavenger.

  2. In the ruleset Healed Out, never use monsters that solely rely on Healing abilities, e.g. Xenith Monk.

  3. With respect to the Healed Out ability, one should also pay attention to other present ruleset. In this way, you can plan out your strategy.



That's it, and thanks for reading. If you are interested in playing Splinterlands, here is my game link - splintercell-01.
Visit @Splinterlands to view more amazing posts! And always keep on battling!!!
*Images used are from Splinterlands and Peakmonsters and edited in Canva.


I really don't know how this game works hehehe. Di Ako Maka relate sa mga ganito hehehe

Parang yu-gi-oh madam hehe

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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar