Get Cracking

in BDCommunity2 years ago

It feels as if I'm hardly around anymore. Writing a lot less, commenting nada.

It's not due to lack of trying - maybe somewhat.

Lately, I have been writing less and less than I used to before. It's just, even though I have countless of drafts made, I can't bring myself to finish them. Neither they have enough words nor they're clearly explained. So, I'm facing, what they say, a writer's block, although, I'm not a writer in any shape or angle.


I have never been a writer, and never even attempted to write poetry. Yes, there's been a lapse in writing, but to someone who hasn't been used to it, maybe this isn't surprising. Not only that I'm not coming up with topics to write about, I'm often reluctant. Maybe this too shall pass but I'm sure even then I would be writing everyday. It's not just me, a few people (in hive) that are also facing the similar situation. Our cycles have been parked and we're sitting on the roadside, contemplating - more likely gobbling wind. Eventually, we'll all, one way or the other, will get back to our cycles.

The problem - reluctance. The solution - time.

To me the reluctance has been dead set on since I lost one of my drafts. I shouldn't stay hung up on it but it's just amplified my reluctance quite a bit more. Although, I have been trying to recreate what I had lost, I have yet to be successful. The draft I lost took me a few weeks to complete and the remake is taking even longer. Even when I'm getting motivated, it feels as if I'm taking my sweet time to reach where I'm supposed to go - quite lazily, I might add. There are those, friends I say, who had been trying to motivate to slowly get up from the sidewalk and get on the cycle to start the journey. Let's see how it goes.

Lately, may days have been the expression "Meh" - kind of busy, kind of boring, busy with boring stuff more likely. And, guess what, the Covid-19 scare, like the snake, has been peering it's head again. Guys, this particularly doesn't sound good in general but for me as well. I have plans this year, huge plans - travel plans. If things go south and there are nationwide lock downs, then my plans would go to waste. So, I'm hoping by the time I'm prepared to travel, the situation calms down. I remember reading somewhere "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans." So, I'm in a way optimistic and pessimistic.

I know this has been a bunch of gibberish, yet I know every once in a while, you'll need to clear your mind from all the junk that has been piling up - it's all good. Once you put all the junk from your brain to recycle bin, all you got to do is hit "empty recycle bin" and Voilà - inner peace.


Being optimistic is the key of living. I wish you could make your plan comes true. I can relate to your story as we all have plans and only God knows whether we could make it or not. Let's hope for the best.

Thank you so much... I'm working to get my plans moving... fingers crossed

 2 years ago  

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans




 2 years ago  



 2 years ago  

I will say it's the boringness. We are seating quietly in the middle of a typhon, watching silently, as the words get crushed, thrown, stomped by this vicious boredom. And instead of trying, a simple Meh is all we can master up to say. :v

Things will change, it surely will.. but at what cost.. that I wanna see. :')

P.S: Does this traveling plans include us??? :v

Carry your own weight

he he he he he he he he he he he he

 2 years ago  

That's tooo much he and not a complete sentence :3

Carry your own weight

To where? -> Hell? -> Grave? -> Outer Space? -> On your doorstep?

Eggy brings in grammar hammer... off to somewhere...


To where? -> Hell? -> Grave? -> Outer Space? -> On my doorstep?

To Heaven

That's what happens when you Thorafy

I have also been pretty absent although not due to writers block. I just need to focus on specific things and not be lazy these days so a lot of the things that I can do any time are getting put on the side.

Why don’t you just let it flow like this? It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, as long as you feel better writing it I think that’s good enough.

Sorry for my delayed response... I don't know if I can call it a writer's block... may be a blogger's block... but I intend to get back on as soon as I can... although I'm making every effort to do so