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RE: Freedom Fighter or Terrorist?

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Okay this is interesting, @therealwolf is still upvoting his automated votefarm posts from, despite the fact that he has done a proposal for funding his site.

Also he is retaliating the downvotes, which I can understand, but kinda weird. Downvoting normal content, because we are downvoting his automated posting stuff? Doesn't make sense to me. 🤷‍♂


And by the way: where are your downvotes on "other automated posts"?


Doesn't make sense to me. 🤷‍♂

As mentioned over there:

Suggest me a good downvote trail, I will check it out and might follow it. 👍

Doesn't make sense to me. 🤷‍♂


Because the proposal isn't paying out yet, it's quite far from being funded right now. I said that I would stop voting on those posts, once it's funded.

Thank you for your comment, I hope I answered a lot over there:
