Letters to Myself

in BDCommunity2 years ago (edited)


Generated by Midjourney

I know you feel the gruesomeness of the darkness, hear the screams of emptiness like black ink dripping across the paper. Just as a creeper proliferates in the dark, so the darkness engulfs you. You stumble in the dark while walking. You were feeling numb like ice stabbing you, repeatedly stabbing your heart, bleeding like a burst water pipe. Your lungs are burning, and you need a sip of water, but it's far away; you try to reach it, but you can't.

There is nothing you can do, so you cry out in silence, writhing in agony, hoping someone sees your pain, someone sees the dark empty hole inside you. As you sink deeper and deeper, you scream silently, hoping someone will pull you up.

Your bleeding heart is tearing at you for the darkness inside you, threatening to increase your pain and drag you down into the ocean of pain. I really know how you feel.

You scroll through your messages, hoping that something or someone will yell at you to stop. You're waiting for a text to pop up, someone to tell you that they love and need you and can't live without you. You wait for someone to tell you to stop hurting yourself, but no one does; no one knows you. No one but you knows your pain, your failures and how disgusting you feel.

Four years ago, trying to emulate how hilarious you were. Your lips are bursting out, trying too hard. It doesn't work; your upper lip starts bleeding, and you're too busy trying to keep a smile.

We were the same when you and I returned to the beginning. No one can or will ever understand you better than me. No problem, I've been there, stood by you and will stay, but watching you cry in the shower breaks my heart, tears mixing with the water as if nothing happened. I've even seen you at your lowest, with hair you haven't shampooed in weeks. I was there the first time you passed to ensure you were still alive. And I still believe in you.

We've been through hell and come back stronger together. It was always just you and me, always and forever.

I know you will survive today, tomorrow and next week too. Because you are not carefully broken nor a disgusting monster, you are a wonderful person who deserves to live in the world. I promise you; you will survive.


Oh so touchy a letter, man!
I literally went in the stage and the gate of personal suffering as you narrated the moment of restlessness when someone craves for the person he knows, but misses for a long period.