Share your brilliance with the world.

in BDCommunity2 years ago


John Maloof is a filmmaker and a photographer. In 2007, he was working on a project and needed some collections of old photography. He got a box full of negatives in a local auction and he found the hidden treasures of crazy moments. He found over 30,000 photos in the box and they are a bunch of professional work.

John Maloof looked up the name of the photographer and he could not see it anywhere. There was no record of her as a photographer, and even her obituary mentioned nothing about her being a photographer. The name of the photographer is Vivian Maier. She worked in a couple of states in the united state as a nanny and during her time for excursions and events out of the house; she took photos of over 100,000 beautiful moments and structures. I checked through her work published here and I was marvelled at the crazy moments. She seems on time with all the photos. Maloof finally published her work online and her work remains the greatest photographic discovery of the 21st century.

Share your work no matter what you think.

I do not know why she kept the photographs in the negatives or private, but I think it is the greatest mistake anyone could make. Today, her work is popular, but she is not here to witness the accolades given to her. There must be some reasons behind it but I think it is really important we share over work with the world. No matter how ordinary we feel, we carry some brilliance in us and we may not know until we share something with the world. Your work is to always create, and not to judge. It doesn’t matter how you feel, your simplest work might be the biggest in the world.


Some people just aren't organized enough or they don't have the money or they love aspect of something but but don't care about another. Any number of reasons I guess why she wouldn't have developed them. Great find though. I'm going to spend a few minutes looking through them.

Top fact. Everyone is unique in his or her own way. And you may never know how unique you are until you share some form of engagement to other people.
You're a great writer.