Cultivating Self Discipline As An Entrepreneur

in BDCommunity3 years ago


Many times people have great ideas and many opportunities but loose it all to one dangerous thief; lack of self discipline. After many years they find themselves stuck in the same place, not growing and wondering what the problem is. It's not every time your lack of success is hindered by external factors sometimes it could be you standing in your own way. Self discipline is the ability to master and control ones feelings so as to overcome one's weaknesses. It is your ability to follow what's right even though you feel tempted to abandon it. When you look at successful individuals do you think they got there as a result of luck or circumstances. It is certain they didn't get success served on a platter of gold, it is usually a combo of many factors like hard work, resilience, talent and or a little bit of luck. Their success was a result of year's of conquering and set backs which pivoted them to where they are catalyzed by self discipline.

Lots of people are talented, brilliant or have the next big idea but lack self discipline. Self discipline is a skill that helps you reach optimum capacity in whichever field you are. The Olympics happen every four years but every day for another 3-4 years you see athletes pushing themselves to prepare for the next one. You can't compare the result of an athlete who has prepared consistently even in the midst of distraction to someone who can barely get their routine in as a result of lack of self discipline. It is what differentiates the gold medalists from the rest because it is a skill that must be applied no matter the field you are in. While some people mistake self discipline as unnecessary hardship and ignore it, those who understand the benefits it holds make the best use of it. It helps you rule the world around you because when you master it you can control your actions and reactions easily to produce better results.

In today's world there are enough reasons to stay in one spot and to be distracted from achieving your goals. There's tiktok, clubs and many other social activities to keep you busy everyday if you allow them but by mastering self discipline you are organized and more focused on our goals because you aren't easily swayed on your journey to succeed and reach your goals. No successful man today can boast they had it easy with no distractions, addictions or even laziness because they definitely will rear their ugly heads at one point but it is discipline that will help control your mind.

Self discipline will help you see a bigger picture and help you realise those distractions are mere hurdles you must overcome. Self discipline is a way of life, it is a skill, a habit and practice that will get you to your destination faster because it makes you different from every other dreamer out there because it is not enough to dream, you have to wake up and chase those dreams everyday.