How To Go From Paper Hands To Diamond Hands

in BDCommunity3 years ago


As crypto traders volatility is one factor we signed up for the minute we decided to be traders because it is both the blessing and the curse of the entire space. One minute you could be a millionaire and in a couple of days you might start to wonder where it all went. Volatility in the crypto space is such an important factor as it helps weed true traders from the paper hands. Often times when the market goes red we see paper hands making things even worse by selling off and trying to cart away with as much profit as possible. I wouldn't blame them though because most experienced traders today were one paper hands but volatility toughened us up over time. To survive a bearish run takes more than just lots of money to throw around as many assume but also an healthy mind to keep things going or you might go gaga. If you have been a paper hand for so long and want to quit giving up every single time then this article is for you.

The first thing you need to do is drop it all. The mistake most paper hands make is let emotions get the best of them. At that point you are confused, worried and your millions are slowing backsliding before your eyes. The major problem is the way you look at the entire situation because while you think you are loosing money in crypto you exactly are not. If you really understand the crypto space you would understand the market is simply going through a phase and although it might take a while the market would eventually pick up. It is a big opportunity to buy low because when the market starts to pick you would be in more profit. Just like you, I have once made mistakes of selling too quickly in an effort to make less loss but sadly the market started to pick up almost immediately and I had to spend more getting back into the trade. That point where you think everything could crash could be that coins major break point and you would miss out or have to spend more going back into the trade.

I know you are starting to wonder just what you would be doing while the market goes the other way. Well trading is not the only way to make money in crypto so while your coins are cooling in the red you can look into other crypto projects. Currently the market is green with NFTs and people are making money from trading different pieces. You can start to make your research on the best collection to gather for sale in the future. There are also a lot of crypto games you can play to accumulate tokens and at the same time have fun like Dragonary, Rune, Axie infinity and many others. And if NFTs or crypto games are not your thing then perhaps investing in new projects might help. The most popular coins today were once cheap and unknown to many, you can take advantage of this time to make research into the next big thing. Who knows you might be holding the next big coin or token in the history of cryptocurrency.

Another interesting thing you could do at this time to become a better diamond hand would be to sharpen your crypto skills. The market is ever changing and although some old techniques still work, learning new ones won't be bad as well. Study expert trading signals, take more classes and read cryptocurrency books . Investing in your crypto knowledge and skills will help you become a better diamond hand in the long run.