A Tale Of A 1000 HIVE: Make a wish (and make it happen).

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Working hard to make a dream come true is always a very pleasant journey, basically because it reflects all the effort you have made to turn your goals into reality. To walk this journey, it is necessary to keep in mind that giving up some things to get others is a very important aspect and it is up to us to define what is most urgent and establish an order of importance.

Thinking this way is something that makes me feel good (because it keeps me motivated to chase my dreams) and considering the idea of ​​the contest (which is basically writing what I would do if I won 1000 HIVE) I decided to share some of my personal desires (because I definitely have more than one goal) and spread them out over throughout this post as a way to group them into just one text.

So, let's do this!

#01. The dream of an English exchange.

Rio Magazine

I am Brazilian and one of my personal goals (culturally speaking) is to learn another language and my contact with English happened for the first time in school, many years ago. Since then, I have been studying this language and I have improved a lot, but to get fluency I need to travel abroad (to be able to experience the local culture and live like a native) and it costs a lot of money. So, that would be one of my goals for spending the prize.

#02. Helping NGOs that offer support to people in need and abandoned animals.

Global Nog Alliance

Every time I see (in person or in a TV report) an NGO that needs help, I am very touched, but because I don't have enough financial conditions to help the way I want to. I know that all help is welcome, but in this case, I would like to make a difference, make an impact and not just help as if it were a simple "obligation". If I were rich, I would certainly plan something on a large scale to offer this kind of help to people and animals.

#03. Travel the whole world.

Royal Caribbean

Another dream that I have (and that moves me a lot to achieve my goals) is to know as many countries as I can. Experience a new culture, know new places, eat new types of food, drink new types of drinks, listen to new types of music, make new friends, know myself better... Anyway, the world is very big and I would like to explore it in the best way possible. I know it's a very ambitious dream, but dreaming big (and working to make it happen) is something I like to do.

#04. Help my family.

Parents Project

Every family has some financial problems and mine is no different. So, it can help some members of my family (especially those who live closest to me) is one of my desires and imagine that one day (in the not too distant future, I believe) I can do it in a more meaningful way it also moves me a lot to continue working and turn this goal into an awesome reality. Until then and considering the reality of my country (which is very uneven in so many ways), I keep working and doing the best I can.

#05. Open my own business.


Working with what you like to do should be an option for everyone, but I know this is a utopia because things - in the real world - don't work that way. However, for those who have faith and believe in themselves, working hard to change this reality is something possible and being able to do (in addition to being my own boss... which would be so amazing, haha!) is also in my plans. So, this fictional contest prize would be an interesting amount to help me get there.

#06. Investing in more HIVE power.

T. Harv Eker

Since I started participating in this ecosystem, gaining more recognition in order to help other people (especially the newbies who bring more quality to the platform) is also one of my goals and winning a prize as good as the one suggested by the contest would be great because I could continue to help people (and also help myself) in a stronger way.

P.S.: I already do what I can and I currently hold a contest on movie review (it's called "League of Movies" and also, I have a curatorial project. In both projects (I work alone because I didn't get sponsors), I pay all the prizes for what I earn here at Hive.

Dreaming big is always very challenging and I like it because it keeps me on a constant plan of action. Particularly speaking, I think that people who do not dream are sabotaging themselves because without having a direction to follow or an objective to be achieved... What is the meaning of living? You need to have a clear view of what you want, to be able to work hard and get there.

This is my entry to the contest promoted by @bdcommunity, sponsored by @reazuliqbal and judged by @azircon:

BDCommunity Writing Contest - Week 1


This post is shared to Twitter in support of @ocd and @ocdb's #posh initiative.

I congratulate you for knowing what you want to do, your dreams... That's very important. I'm sure that with effort you'll be able to achieve all your goals. I share many of those dreams with you that I hope to achieve one day, I was moved by what you wrote.
Good luck in the contest!

Thanks, @rnunez09.

I was moved by what you wrote.

You have no idea how happy I am to read this. For me, knowing that what I write is good for other people makes me very satisfied and and motivates me to keep writing.

Dreams, dreaming big, is important I think...It can lead to effective goal-setting and with the correct plan, ownership and effort in pursuit of that goal, can lead to successful achievement of those goals. I think a dream with no attached goal, drive and effort may remain a dream indefinitely, but certainly dreams converted to goals will carry forward and give people a greater satisfaction. We will only ever achieve results commensurate to our attitude and actions.

I think a dream with no attacked goal, drive and effort may remain a dream indefinitely...

That's why I think it is important to keep one foot on the ground and not be completely in the clouds.

Yes, and ones focus on the activities that will carry a person towards the goals, not just the goal itself.