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RE: Hunter-Gatherer and His Tiny Little Fire

in BDCommunity4 years ago

I went blank for a bit there dada.. Couldnt come with words that would even slightly justify what im thinking right now.. So you were flying on a plane over an active volcano!! How badass is that!!!!

I am a natural scientist, I have seen her in many different ways.

And that is where the true essence of adventure lies in dada:) getting to see all of the natures primordial forces in their original forms.. And id love nothing more dada if i get to hear them:) all those stories.

Those are terrifying yet humbling sights to see. These photos and the video i mean.. Almost like if a giant living carpet is swallowing the ground whole. It mustve been very hot even from afar!

You have rain water in your backyard... but at least you don't have that :)

This is what we call monder bhalo :v. The thing is, its hard to see through ones own misery, untill proper wisdom and maturity takes over.. Or somebody points it out like how Sheikh Sadi did :v


Hawaiian volcanos are quiet. They have basaltic lavas which are predictable and not too hot... only 900F :). Other types are often hotter than that. It’s not too hot. It cools quickly and forms a stable crust. You can even start on it if it not flowing too fast.

Below is the famous Miles Morgan / Kawika Singson shot.
