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RE: [দাম বাড়বি কি না বল!!] [LateMorningTalkShow: The price is tight] #BDCcontest

in BDCommunity4 years ago

only 29 votes and i have no chance of winning.

Yeah I wouldnt be so sure! Our judge has a very twisted sense of humor:p you still might win.

You have a natural prose in your writing! Very subtle yet continually builds up.. I see you are allready on our BDC discord server. And wed love nothing more than to support you! So be a lil more talkatavi in the chats, as it is the best way to communicate and build up connections. If you ever need any help, you can ask me without anyyy hesitation.

To validate a bengali user, we give away a very exclusive hive badge and a role in discord. If you want that, be present in our next weekly voice chat. That is at 10 pm tomorrow. Wed love it if you are there:)