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RE: Lessons from the Chicken Run on the Effects of Hierarchy.

in South Australia4 years ago

Three of my opinions:

  1. Black lives matter is the biggest scam since the fake George Floyd killing.
  2. That cop essay is fake as well. It was written by a team of professional writers.
  3. All breeds of dogs, cats, and probably even chickens, are different. Races of people much more so. Knowing what the differences are is not racist. It is understanding reality.



Whatever you believe, what do we achieve by fighting about it?

Do you believe police brutality is escalating or that they are there for the good of the people? What do you think that faking that essay is trying to achieve?

If it's fighting among ourselves, then it's working. Hence, what's the point in fighting?

I don't want to stop liking people just because we disagree on something, especially when all we really want is the same thing ultimately.
