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RE: It's so Unfair!!

in South Australia4 years ago

Don't you think, school and institution doing favortism is wrong.? As far as i understand these are the place which help in developing minds and also encourage students to work harder so that to everyone should be at par. Its moral responsibility of teacher not to overlook undervalue kids...

Noone actually ready to raise their voice even they see unfairness around . Do you think hive is fair place....I have many examples which shows how favortism is so popular here. But take my words anyone can pinpoint such things....they were put into blacklist or slowly wiped out their identity from the platform through complete ignorance....

It is so unfair how people ready to adapt to all situation


I do think it's wrong. I even pulled my youngest out of a school due to a teacher treating her unfairly and it turned out to be a common issue at that school, worse than other schools. They favoured families whose parents and grandparents had been at the school, but it was not just a case of them supporting loyalty, because many of the teachers would actively humiliate children from lower social background or from families new to the school. I wasn't about to continue to support that.

Yet I can also see why teachers might get worn out trying to put extra work into a student who isn't progressing as well. There is almost some unfairness the extra work going into a student who is struggling, but we can rationalise that because it's not really the student's fault and it's a good thing to do for them, especially if it's appreciated. It can still feel unfair to someone who might also be struggling a bit, but not enough for the extra effort to be deemed appropriate for them. This conundrum has been what's going around in my head. There's obvious unfairness, but there is also that subtle unfairness which can sort of be justified.

"...encourage students to work harder so that to everyone should be at par."

This is the goal of most educational institutions. However, in itself it can also be an unfair approach. You see, in order to have all children on par with one another, some children would need more time and work, while others would have to be held back to allow them catch up. This is then unfair on those who get held back. More conundrums.

Hive is a mirror for the real world. There are lots of things I don't agree with, so I just try not to support them.

I belive the so called education has become a business...spoiling all the old saying of building future. A supposed to be one place which should not discriminate but the money in mind, they can go to any limit and there by spoiling many child's future.....pretty the situation getting worsen...and this seems to be the case of everywhere India as well few of them favoring the sharp kids only so that not much effort to put on.....

Condition at hive is also getting worsen with each won't take much to see the good old Steem days