Vintage Fish Stamps ~ Photo Chain Challenge 54th Edition

in Feel Good3 years ago (edited)

Hello Hiveans! What an interesting subject for photo chain this week 'Vintage' and 'Fish'. I am not sure about the word Vintage, so I searched the word Vintage and according to Wikipedia, an item should be at least 100 years old to be defined as an antique. If the item is no older than an antique but not less than 20 years, it falls under the term vintage. There is also a term called ‘true vintage’ as being at least 50 years old. Vintage also can sometimes be confusing and is often described as Retro. Anyway, I will get more confused if I read here and there and so I hope I am right, if not nevermind, I will just submit now.

For this week's Photo Chain Challenge the keywords given are FISH and VINTAGE from the 2 Winners of the 53rd Edition:

  • Winner 1 ~ @Olgavita ~ The personal subject is FISH.
  • Winner 2 ~ @Qwerrie ~ The personal subject is VINTAGE.

And here's my entry for this week's theme, 1983 Vintage Fish Stamps from my stamp collections:

20210202_230833 (2).jpg

Based on my photo my additional keyword is STAMP, so the completed keywords are:


About Photo Chain Challenge by @davidesmoncini

The photo chain challenge hosted by @davidesimoncini is very unique in that you have to post a photo according to two suggested keywords, and those words each week being summed up from the previous week's winners' photos. You need also to indicate another key subject that comes from your participating photo. Such a cool idea and a fun game! I recommend you try engaging in this challenge not to just enjoy this fun challenge but to make our blogging life more lively and engaging.

And that concludes my presentation for:

Are you a fan of contests? You are also welcome to join the other contests that are currently ongoing. Please follow the links below for more details and have fun with your submissions!

That's all for now, wishing you a beautiful day ~ Life is Beautiful.

The Best is yet to come, Keep Creating Keep Hiving!

Take care and Stay Blessed!

Yours truly,


I enjoy seeing your entry another time. Nice work Ainie :D

Thank you @davidesimoncini, now I get used already to your challenge and always look forward to joining if I can, cheers, ainie

thats a good one. cheers!

Hi @qwerrie, Oh my one very simple, cannot compare to your full of stories one. I like your stories, by the way, cheers, ainie

yes, thats true. I tend to decorate my posts, yeah. nice pictures and, if possible, intresting stories :P


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