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RE: #AlphabetHunt letter I - and the winners of the lucky draw for the #H week [ENG-FR]

in Feel Good4 years ago

Each week (from thursday to wednesday) there is a letter (we follow the alphabet order, this week is I) and you must find 6 words starting with the letter (can be an object, an action, a feeling or whatever) and post a picture (taking by you) that represents these things that start with the letter I

for example, I chose this week to illustrate with a photo the 6 following words :
and I tell a bit about the word or about the photo,
but the best is to read the #alphabethunt posts to see what the others do, you will maybe better understand ;-)

Important thing also is to post with "hive-190931" as your first tag, in order to participate to the lucky draw I do each week (five persons win 1 hive each)

Hope that helps 😉