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RE: Knautia to Knot : AlphabetHunt

in Feel Good β€’ 4 years ago

Haha !can you believe I had never noticed your photo was a slice of kiwi..? 😁 Now you owe me an explanation of why this slice, indeed πŸ˜„

How strange that you find there are not a lot of english words starting with K..! I found a lot that were easy to illustrate, not the very conceptual words like for exemple with the letter A...this is fun that letters give us a different challenge, this is probably because we speak a foreign language, so we are used to different way of thinking than the native english speakers ... πŸ˜‰

Anyway, this is a great and well done selection @johannpiber ! !BEERS

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Haha πŸ˜† and I thought everybody would notice that it is a Kiwi πŸ˜‚

Many years ago when I shot my first macros I shot also quite a few macros of a Kiwi slice and I liked one so very much that I have been using it for almost twenty years now - simple answer πŸ˜‰

I should better have said that I had some problems to find or take photos to illustrate the words. If I could draw like you can I wouldn't have had any problems to use Kilimandscharo or Kangaroo 😁. But maybe "problems" would have been the wrong word anyway - it was great fun because it made me think more than usual ;) lol

Cheers and !BEER and have a very good night Barbara πŸ™‚

You know, I might be the only one to not have realized it was a kiwi slice...I sometimes see things months after, this makes my relatives either laugh, or day I came to my day job in the restaurant where I was waitress and I told my boss wow.. they planted lovely trees in giant pots on the parking ! and when I saw his dumbfounded face I immediately knew I've just said something hugely insane ...apparently these trees were here for months and he was wondering how I can live in the real world and not see the same things like everybody else does.. πŸ˜„

Believe me, similar things like your trees have happened to me too sometimes - especially when my wife comes home from the hair stylist I never see it ;) lol
Oh no, you are not the only one who knows since my yesterday's post, what my profile picture is πŸ˜‰

Cheers and !BEER and have a wonderful weekend πŸ™‚

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