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Cool, I hope they taste as delicious as they look juicy and you enjoy these fruits which you haven't had for a while πŸ˜€

Wish you a wonderful Sunday, @bigsambucca 🌞

Cheers and !BEER

Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

It made my day they were sweet as and now i know where to get them when in season πŸ‘

Have a great week @johannpiber 😊

I think this means a Happy End for your search for the πŸ₯ πŸ‘πŸ˜
I'm so glad that you liked it and I wish you a wonderful week too, @bigsambucca πŸ™‚

Yep mission over all a success and will be going back for another lot on the weekend πŸ˜‚

Have a wonderful week ahead @johannpiber πŸ‘

Cool, thank you @bigsambucca, let's have a last !BEER on the Kiwi πŸ₯

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Hey @bigsambucca, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.